White aluminum oxide grit blast media

White aluminum oxide grit blast media

White aluminum oxide grit blast media


White aluminum oxide grit blast media is an artificial abrasive material produced through the electric melting process. Its physical form is multi-angular particles with high hardness and toughness. White aluminum oxide blast media is suitable for the surface treatment of stainless steel parts, metal parts, and other workpieces. In the blast process, users can get proper surface toughness by controlling the pressure of the airflow. That will cause physical structural changes to the surface of the metal. The impact of abrasive sand particles causes the workpiece surface to appear uneven. In this way, it can increase the workpiece’s grip on the coating and improve its durability of the coating.


Users may want to get specific surface roughness (identity with a specific Ra value) according to the application. Choosing proper grit sizes of white aluminum oxide blast media can achieve different surface finishes. The coarser grit of white aluminum oxide, the rougher the surface of sandblasting. Generally speaking, coarse WFA blast media such as 16 grit and 20 grit has a stronger sense of concavity and convexity when sandblasting. On the other hand, fine WFA blast media such as 60 grit and 80 grit have better smoothness. In the meantime, adjusting the angle and distance of the sandblasting gun can also achieve the goal of adjusting the roughness. When customers have white aluminum oxide blast media in stock, there is no need to purchase another batch for making small adjustments to surface toughness. Adjusting the blasting direction, increasing the blasting distance, and decreasing the blasting pressure can meet that requirement.

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