Why the white fused alumina made by fixing the furnace is better?

Why the white fused alumina made by fixing the furnace is better?

The first producing process of white fused alumina grainhttps://www.whitecorundum.com is smelting & fusing raw industrial level aluminum oxide powder.

The fused alumina also called electrofused alumina because it is made by electrofusion. Generally, there are two kinds of electrofusion methods with two different equipment. The first one is tilting furnace, after fusing, the fused alumina block will get out upside down with even quality and impurities. All blocks will go to the next milling production process.

On the other hand, by fixing furnace fusing, impurities will get to the out layer of the fused block, that outer blocks will be rejected. In the middle of the furnace, white fused alumina will smelting more thoroughly and will get better purity and higher density.

White fused alumina grain and powder made by fixing furnace has a better cutting ability, higher specific density (≥3.55g/cm3), higher bulk density(≥1.88g/cm3). Those properties of white fused alumina are important for making abrasive tools, abrasive blasting, refractories, polishing, etc.



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